This is my dream board. And this is the first time that I am doing something like this. It details 5 broad areas of my life which I want to focus on in 2010. From the top left, there is a financial challenge which I want to fulfil. Once it is achieved, I will get a chance to visit the country where the Maori dancers live. And so the hunt begins ... In the top middle is a place where I hold dear - my family. The words clearly tell how I feel and the kitchen tells the story of where I believe a family is united after a day's, week's of hard work. And so they become my garden of inspiration ... Towards the bottom left talks about social responsibility. I feel that this is a very important area for everyone especially us parents who inspire to leave the world a better place for our future generations. For this area, my 2 key focus is to be more environmentally friendly - recycle! and also to adopt a child a year. By the time I reach my retirement age, I would have 20 kids! Bottom centre talks about eating healthy, delicious food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. More trips to the gym, daily walks around the block in my new place. More spiritual awareness, maintaining balance and harmony in life. I have allocated the entire right space to things that I want to have for my family and myself - good things. Things which I can have without having to sacrifice our retirement and education funds. Luxury is never an option ... When I was putting this together, Ryan was busy trying to help and was curious about what I was doing. I told him that this is a dream board which will help realise our goals. His association was immediately with MONEY, hehe. Great start eh?Here's to a great 2010!
Today Ryan went back with my mum to PD. And I cannot describe how I feel now. Strange. I thought I should feel relieved, because there was a lot of stress in the last 1 week. Ryan got sick, work was a little stressed, then Ryan went into a relapsed, then I was told by the eye doctor that he possibly needed glasses, hubby was edgy as well, men, then Megan got sick last night. Sigh, the whole week has been a non-stop drama. When my mum said she wants the kids, I was like "Woo hoo!" Freedom for a week. I was to go back this Friday to fetch them back. At least a few nights on my own, to do my thing. And then, today, we decided that Megan stays behind with us while Ryan goes home with my mum. I was told that as soon as we were out of sight, he started to cry all the way to PD. He had wanted my dad to turn around and he said he misses us and wants to come home. My heart broke.What I thought would be a few funs nights now feels like something I do not need after all. I would much prefer that the nights that Ryan was around adding to the fun and flavour with Megan's constant laughter. I will be going to fetch him this Friday with Megan. Can't wait to see him.
My little baby first attempted her little steps some weeks back. She was not very stable and would be falling quite a bit. However, unlike Ryan, Megan is able to balance herself and usually eases herself to the ground instead of falling flat. Because of this, Megan seldom had accidents while learning to walk. At most, she will sit down hard. That was some weeks back. These few days, she has been steadier and is able to walk about 10+ feet before sitting down. I think her little legs are still a little shaky. But I am proud of her, and she is proud of herself too. She cannot stop beaming at herself.So there, another milestone to little Megan ... she starts walking at 10+ months. And today, it is her 11th month .... next month I will be having her 1 year old birthday party. Isn't it great?
It is rare indeed for us to be able to find someone whom we can regard as a mentor. Someone who makes sense, someone who has been through it all, someone who has lived to tell the tale, someone who got through to you. For me, that someone was Jim Rohn. I got to know about him through a friend. I was hooked from the time I heard him say "Thank you" to the thunderous applause he received while conducting one of his sales seminars. I have since been listening to his audio programs and have been reading his books. And today, I learnt that he has passed on. He left to be in a better place yesterday, 5 December 2009. He has been suffering from Pulmonary Fibrosis for the past 18 months. However, knowing him, Jim would have fought until the last breath and would have continued to inspire and lead the life he has always been talking about. Someone once said “when you are born you enter the world crying while everyone else is rejoicing and when you die hopefully you have lived such a life that everyone will be crying while you are rejoicing”. Jim Rohn lived such a life. To me, I am grateful that Jim came to this world, grateful that I was introduced to him, grateful for his teachings, grateful for his ways. I will always remember one key thought he had which had touched me .... "Life is not designed to give you what you want. Life is designed to give you what you deserve. "Well said dear Jim Rohn. May you rest in peace. You legend lives on.