This webpage is all about me and the people surrounding me. May we all find JOY in our everyday adventures...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Self-praise Ryan
Ryan was moving around as usual and he was reading the book upside down. He started to spell out the words and he was very pleased with himself.
When I said "Wow! You are such a smart boy!"
He replied (quickly): "I know!"
I was grinning from ear to ear, my little boy just self-prasied himself, wonder if he knows.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Megan is a recognized Malaysian
2 days ago, Megan is officially a Malaysian. I think I have not written about this before, and so, here goes. Beware though, that this is going to be quite lengthy.
Megan was born on 9th January 2009. We were to have registered her within 42 days. As usual, hubby and I were fashionably late and I learnt (again) that procrastination never pays - big time!
We went to the nearest NRD and were told that they could not register her as she has already passed the 42 days. We had to go to the KL HQ which is in Maju Junction Mall. In the paper that accompanied the registration, it was mentioned that after 42 days, we were to pay RM15 for processing fee and a RM50 fine. Check it here.
When we got to Maju Junction, the lady at Counter 12 told is that there is a list of forms and requirements we have to get in order to have Megan registered. This include the forms that we had, a form to paste all of our passport photos and a 4R photo of Megan, Megan's immunization records as well as a copy of Ryan's birth certificate. And we also had to go see a Commissioner of Oath to swear and for him to sign another form. And to top it all off, we were told that we had to go for an interview!! And that was a good 3 months away! I am still thinking why they could only interview 3 people a day when the lady there told me that there is a whole bunch of people out there waiting to have their registration done.
After 3 months, we finally went for the interview on 26th May 2009. It was a stupid interview really. We brought Megan and I thought that they would at least give her a good look to see if she resembles us or something. But all that happened was that the lady told us that we have to be interviewed separately - me and Megan and hubby by himself.
The questions asked included when we were married, where we were married, when Megan was born, where she was born, who delivered her, whether I went for my pre natal check-ups, who did them for me, why we were late etc. The exact same questions were asked of hubby, made me think that they were actually checking to see if we were genuinely married. Poor Megan was left out.
After completing the interview, we were told that we had to wait 1.5 months to see if my application was approved before I get her birth cert. And then, I have to wait another 1 month to get her MyKid. I could feel my blood boil in my face when I heard that. And the bloody lady was downright rude too. She did not display any empathy towards Megan not having a birth cert.
When I said that I needed her birth cert to buy an insurance plan, she said "Tak payah belilah, siapa suruh lambat! Ini bukan saya buat punya proses!' I swear, I could have slapped her face, but then, Megan was watching me ...
The next day, I went into a writing rampage, to 3 main papers' editors as well as to the DG of NRD and the Pengarah of KL HQ. The whole day I was thinking about whether any of my emails were read, I was not sure if my emails were going to help the situation or was going to make our application buried even deeper.
So, you can imagine my surprise when the very next day after all those emails, I got a phone call from the Pengarah of the KL HQ NRD!! He said he was trying to see if I could meet up to receive Megan's birth cert! Wow! I almost could not believe it! He was even asking me if I could come up to his office to have some coffee. After some negotiations on time, he finally said that he will come by personally to my office to deliver it to me!! Yipee!!
When I met that guy, he was all apologetic, although he did defend all the stupid procedures they had. And he told me that I will be getting Megan's MyKid in 10 days! Yay!! When I got back to the office, I saw an email from his boss in Putrajaya, stating he was all sorry and sad and regret, and have directed the Pengarah to take care of this problem immediately.
While I am relieved that I got all my documents in place, I still cannot help but think about why all these procedures needed to be in place. It is not like we are immigrants, we are bloody Malaysians and although we are late, should we make a poor child suffer? Why not just impose a higher fine? Why not just come clean with the procedures on the Net? Why spring the surprise? And why bring the baby? Was it to prove that we have a legit kid and not bought? What makes them think that if we had reported it within the 42 days, then it would have been a legit kid? Honestly, all these procedures really do not make sense.
Anyhow, thankful we have solved this. And Megan is a recognized Malaysian. Yay!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Photo Express software from eoe Online
Now, they have another exciting software called Photo Express software for quick and easy photo printing. The main features of this software are:
1) The built-in 'auto upload resume' function which will automatically reconnect your upload from where it left off in the event if you are disconnected in any way. I am sure users of Streamyx will attest to this. The last time, it took me nights to download my photo because it was so slow.
2) The ability to resize your photos to the required print size resolution before uploading them to save tremendous upload time!
Isn't that great? I am so happy that finally somebody thought of a way to enable us to continue uploads and not needing to be around to monitor it.
To start using it, all you need to do is just to download the software, key in your username and password. Then, select the photos, print size and quantity you want. Confirm your order and address. The software will provide you the option to resize the photos. Upload and voila, you will receive them in 3 days, depending on where you are.
At the moment, they are running a promotion where for any orders of RM35.00 and above placed via Photo Express, you will get Free Delivery and also a lovely 4R photo frame worth RM9.90 for Free!
So what are you waiting for now? Print at one of the most reasonably priced centre, topped with free delivery charges with no hassles and get photo frames for free too!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Picking your nose and then ... ?
Eww, how many of us have done this when we were young? I certainly did this ....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Week 19
Irregardless, Megan is now 4.5 months old. Below are some things which she can already do according to normal development:
* Be more adventurous and puts most things into her mouth
* Follow objects through 180 degrees with her head
* Display curious behavior when around strangers
* Have good head control and is able to lift neck and shoulders off the floor
* Be more attached to me - This is definitely true! She cannot be pacified even by her daddy!
* Roll from back to side and side to back
* Be able to roll unto front
* Say 'ah-goo' and other similar vowel-consonant combinations
* Make wet razzing sounds
* Be able to calm herself when upset - Yup, but not always. Sometimes she will be so upset, she will wail instead of cry.
* Use hands to prop herself up when sitting - Have to prompt her though.
* Sit without support - Not yet
* Show objection when a toy is taken away - Sometimes, usually, she does not care
* Wave and enjoy being waved back - Not yet
So, this is how Megan has progressed so far.
I must say though, I am very proud of her. And as usual, I was lazy and hence, did not track her development from birth.
But I love her to bits!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I am a horrible mother!
One of the special feature of this phone is that you can program your child's name into it. So, your child can actually hear Elmo calling and having a dialogue with him. Penny and I were more excited about it than our sons were I think.
When I showed it to Ryan, he was very happy and would carry it with him wherever he goes. One day, it disappeared. No where to be found. I thought that Ryan had misplaced it, but it turned out that the helper tossed it into the big toy bin. After such a long time missing, naturally Ryan was very pleased when it turned up.
After a week or so, Ryan started to bring it out of the house when we go out. Last Sunday, he did the same thing when we went to Desa Park City for breakfast. He had gone to the park with his daddy and when they got back to the car, they realised that the phone was left on the slide.
Although hubby went back to search for it, it was gone. Ryan was close to tears, but I think he cannot beat me - I was literally tearing!! I insisted that hubby fetch me to Mid Valley to see if they still have stock. I was half preparing myself in the event they do not have it anymore. Luckily, they still have 2.
I had a good mind to buy both, but one of them did not work. So, I ended up buying just one. I was feeling really happy. And I think Ryan sort of forgotten about it after an hour or so.
I know I should not have bought it again to replace the lost one. I am not even sure why I did it - because I could not bear Ryan losing something he likes so much, or because I could not bear the thought of losing it for myself. But then, I have not given it to him yet. I am still waiting for the chance to have a chat with him about it before I say that we have found it, instead of saying that we bought it again.
I think I am a horrible role model. Really, to just go out and buy the lost item again to replace it is not exactly something I want to instill in my kids, but then, I have such a soft spot for them.
Do you think I am a horrible mother?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Megan turns!!
Mother's Day this year was really hot. We had tried to hold Megan for as long as I can. The heat was killing me and so, I had put her on the floor, on her tummy.
And then, it happened, she attempted to turn and was successful! It was so wonderful and I think she was very proud of herself. She was smiling when we hugged and cheered her.
Fast forward to today - 17 May 2009
We were having lunch and Megan was on the floor. And then suddenly, she was on her tummy!!
Yay! She was a little stun I think because her eyes were bigger and she smiled. The world must have looked different for her, I think.
I am so happy, I could not stop smiling, despite the damn heat.
Bliss ...
My son laughs at my gun
This is the gun my son made yesterday when we were playing with Lego. He was very proud and keeps telling me that it is for shooting the monster, which is his father.
This, is my version of a gun. When Ryan saw my gun, he laughed, really laughed.
Twitching and turning
But then, when the baby starts to be more aware of her surroundings, it can be quite a difficult task to nurse her.
I am now this way with Megan. She is now much more interested and aware of her surroundings. And so, each time I try to feed her, she will nurse until some sound, noise or voice catches her attention and she will turn to that direction. It is not so bad except that she will sometimes do this with her mouth full and it will cause me great agony.
Arghh!!! I need to get my nipple cream by the buckets now. Sob, sob.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Caring Ryan
We were fooling around in bed last Saturday morning and we started the tickling match between Ryan, his daddy and myself. Somehow, it got a little rough and I fell off the bed.
Ryan immediately stopped laughing and came to my side. He had a look of concern on his face when he asked me how I felt. He was trying to assure me that it is just play and that it was not real. He kept patting my back, all the time looking concerned. He even scolded his daddy for "making mum hurt".
In the afternoon, it was so hot that we napped in the air-cond. I threw the thermal blanket over Megan and Ryan said "No, this blanket has holes, Megan will feel cold." And he proceeded to cover her with his Batman blanket.
Isn't that sweet? And he is only 4 years old. I am so proud of him.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
When Megan smiles, I lose my hair
In my case, Megan smiles first before my hair started to fall out. Megan is now not only smiling, she is laughing too. I hear her laugh in her sleep as well as when we tickle her. She is unusually an easy baby who is always ready with a smile - unless it is her sleep time.
And I noticed my hair falling out when the hole in the bathroom floor has clumps of it. Not as much as Ryan's time, but still noticeable. Apparently this has to do with the hormones trying to find its balance after a surge of it during the pregnancy. Once it stabilises, then it will return back to its grow and drop cycles.
Age and sleep
I used to be able to function with 4-5 hours of sleep a day. Now, with 6 hours also I feel tired.
2 days ago, while driving Ryan to school, I was overcome with this horrible need to sleep. I could barely keep my eyes open. When I reached the office car park, I decided to just nap for a while so that I don't feel so lethargic. It was 9.30am. The next time I open my eyes, it was 10.25am. Crap!
That night, I decided to sleep by 12 midnight. Turns out, I was still tired the next morning.
Arghh ... age is catching up. I cannot function now if I have a few late nights in a row. Better off the laptop now and hit the sack. I don't want to feel tired and crappy tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How my wee wee is warm
Me: Yes, that is because it comes from your body and your body is warm.
Ryan: No mum. I drink cold water and hot water and so, my wee wee is warm.
Me: Oh yeah, wow, I did not know that.
Kids say the darnest things don't they?
How I spent 2009's Mother's Day
We had brunch in a new found vegetarian restaurant in Kelana Jaya and then got home in time for Ryan's bath and nap. The kids were quite hot I think since the sun was shining so so brightly.
Megan was a little agitated by the heat and was fussing quite a bit. Ryan, meanwhile was sweating from his constant move and all his talks. I think it was quite a miracle that we all managed to get through brunch without much tantrums despite the heat.
We spent the whole day at home and in the peak of the heat, I made us all homemade lemonade and had chocolate chip cookies. I also got the kids into the inflatable tub and Ryan went in stark naked. Megan kicked around in the water. By then it was already 5 o'clock. We were expecting my parents over so that we can go grocery shopping - it has been a while since we both got to go grocery shopping together in peace.
After hauling the groceries and dinner up to the house, we finally sat down for dinner at 10.30pm. Gosh, it was really late. We had wine too, which made me really sleepy. Dinner was for both mum and myself. Again, like my birthday, it is a blessing indeed to have all those who matters to us to be near us.
Ryan had made me a nice card at school and came home to present it to me. It was so sweet. I finally slept at about 2am, after tidying and putting Megan back to sleep again.
It was a tiring and hot Mother's Day, but I would not change it to any other way. Looking forward to next year's.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Some people I talk to seems to think that being a mother is difficult while some would think that it is a piece of cake. I think it is a mixture of both, some good times, some bad but usually it is joyful.
I want to thank Ryan for making this possible for me. It was with his arrival did I finally understand how being a mother is like. Hearing about it from my own mum for 31 years somehow cannot match the actual experience. And with little Megan here, it doubles my joy of being a mum more than ever. No, not looking forward to trippling it though I sometimes feel that I am already there with my hubby.
I would also like to say thanks to my mum for being a great mum for all 35 years of my life. I know that no matter how much I complain now, my problems are in no comparison to hers. And for that, I am appreciative of her now more than ever.
To the other mothers out there, have a blast of a day. Remember to celebrate this day as a reminder to ourselves of having done a great job in bearing the kids and having them in our lives.
Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
How I celebrated my birthday
Every year on my birthday, I would take leave. I cannot remember how long I have practised this, but for sure, since I had Ryan, I have been doing this. And usually, I would go have my hair cut and changed its style, be it highlighting, colour or perm. This year, I had this done earlier and so, I did not do it yesterday.
This year, I celebrated it differently. I first dropped Ryan off at school and then proceeded to having breakfast at The Curve. I wanted to go get my Ikea catalogue and wanted to stroll around the furniture stores there. I also wanted to go get my Starbucks coffee.
I did all that and then went to pick Ryan from school. I got to tell you, picking the kid up and seeing his bright cheery smile is really priceless. Made my birthday for sure. After packing him off for his nap, I rested for a while with my "Everybody Loves Raymond" comedy.
Hubby came home soon after late in the afternoon and we went to Genting, without the kids. When he first suggested it, I thought he was joking. Turns out, he was not. The drive up was good, except for a slow stretch in the middle. It was quite a refreshing experience when we arrived. Not much traffic and cool crisp air. It was raining a little and we had to wait a while in the car.
Unlike when we went there before Ryan, our trip up there this time was really quite quiet. We did not go for any of the rides, we did not go to the parks, we just walked around and sat outside of Coffee Bean's! We did not even get a drink. We just sat and talked, in peace. No kid to demand attention, no baby to feed, all was quiet.
When we got hungry, we went to look for food. I wanted Western, but then I did not want to pay for things I can cook. So we walked some more and still cannot find vegetarian food. In the end we settled for Pizza Hut. yup, good old Pizza Hut. We ate pretty much in silence, such a change. Ordinarily, I would have complained that we did not talk and we are running out of topics to talk about. But this time, I think we are enjoying it, really.
We walked some more after dinner and even managed some games at the amusement centre, some Initial D race. By the time we got to the car, we were already tired. Age really does damage the system!
The drive down the hill was a little faster, mostly because of the slopes, but also I think we wanted to rush home to the kids. Things are not the same without them. Megan had already gone to sleep and Ryan was excited about cutting my cake. Turns out, we did not have one. So, to make up for it, we cut some jellies, with a candle in it too. We sang the good old birthday song and Ryan blew out my candle. We ate and soon slept.
I had turned 35. What better way to feel than good about it? I have my health, family and tomorrow to look forward to. Looking forward to 36 now ...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me!
This year marks my mid 30s year and I must say I am quite happy about it. As my mum said "Some people don't even get to live up to this age ..." and it's true. We should be thankful that we have past yet another year.
I am looking forward to this year to see what I can accomplish and how I can help shape and change lives. I am not talking about the population and world sorts of things, just how I can help my kids, hubby and the people surrounding me.
For now, I am thankful I have my health, parents, brother, Ryan, Megan, hubby and a bunch of friends who have gotten me to where I am. I am thankful that I wake up each day and I can see the sunshine, feel the rain, the heat, the anger, the happiness, the frustration and all the emotions that run through me, for this shows that I am alive and well.
Happy 35th birthday to me .... may this year be filled with good health, happiness and joy, and um ... hopefully more money too!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Addicted to the Net
Darn, got to stop being so addicted to the Net.
Now, really have to sleep. Hubby is wondering why I keep yawning and yet, I still keep typing.
Good night folks.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Blogging for money, anyone?
Apart from that, I also love to write. Write about things that happened to me, my kids, the man I married, my country, my money thoughts etc. It is just great to be able to document memories for later reading pleasure. This is especially true for my kids.
Lately, I have also ventured into setting up my own paid domains on financial thoughts and reviews and playing with the settings etc. I learned about pings, paid ads, blog advertising, SEO, widgets, AdSense, Paypal and so much more. Penny has been great in helping with this.
Now, what is better than being able to combine my love to write with the ability to also earn in the process? Some friends of mine seem to think that this will take the passion out of blogging which is supposed to be fun. But I disagree, if at all, I think blogging for money actually enhances the passion even more.
What about you? Are you blogging for fun or are you blogging for money?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Week 15 and more ...
Megan has already passed her Week 15 and below is apparently what she is experiencing
- Preferences for colours, textures and sights will change from more basic black and white to multi-coloured, multi-textured, noise-making machines!
I think Megan has already reached this stage as seen when she is attracted to the colourful musical mobile we got her as well as the TV and computer we have around her. She started to turn her head towards the TV and computer and would stare at it for a long while when they are switched on.
And then there is the curious case of why Megan takes exceptionally well in sucking her fingers and hands. Apparently it is because it is for comfort and and to cope with stress until her motor skills improve and she can manipulate other items into her mouth. And I am to expect she will pick up everything and head it straight into her mouth for the next several months.
What a wonderful time it is for her ... and I.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Me and my books
All my books are overflowing and there are still some which I have not bought, but am eyeing on, in case there are sales on them. My bookshelves are already showing signs of overloading - they are bending, next time must buy stronger ones.
Anyway, last Labour Day, I went to the MPH warehouse sale with Ryan and between the 2 of us, we managed to cart off more books to the car. Think the books we bought were heavier than Ryan! As usual, I bought more books for Ryan than for myself. And the only reason for that was because the kids' books were darn cheap, and plenty!!
I managed to get Dora activity books for RM6, also managed to get some Charlotte Web activiy books for RM3!! I also got a children's illustrated bible book for RM25, this was a little pricey cause I got one for myself (adult's version for only RM20. I even got one for my mum for Mother's Day present.
I started reading it to Ryan because I really wanted him to know that there is a divine power working above us. Hopefully he will get it and appreciate life and things given to him more. Plan to also impart this onto Megan. Yeah, me and my ideals.
Prior to this sale, I also went to Border's and Kinokuniya to buy some parenting books. And I have not started to read them yet. Sigh, I really have to stop buying.
Last year, I set myself a target to complete 1 book a month. I fell short by 1 book by the time 2008 closed. This year, the target is 13 books. I only have completed 3, and in April, did not complete any although I am half way on several. So now, I have to shut down this laptop and start to read, really. Else, I will feel really guilty about buying and spending all the money and not reading them.
Have you bought a new book lately? Have you read a book lately? Please share!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Government doctors and hospitals
However, there are some doctors who are really bad apples and they have caused the entire profession to be a mockery.
Just read here, where the government doctor had prescribed paracetamol in excess and resulted in the death of a 7 year old boy. Come one, two 500mg of paracetamol 4 times a day? Why, that is what I am taking! But for a 7 year old boy? Come on! I bet you the government fellas will come out to say that there were no mistakes made. For sure.
Just as what our dear Health Minister also said when doctors as a government hospital were said to be doing their own thing. Apparently these doctors were actually performing their tasks up to mark and were not lacking in professionalism. Sigh, dear Health Minister, you really have to go pay the hospitals a visit. You need to know how the ground people are operating la dei.
And you know what the joke was? He said this "the waiting period to see a doctor at the non-critical zone was less than 15 minutes." 15 minutes my foot la. Ok, so maybe University Hospital and Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is not fully government, but it sure as hell does not take 15 minutes to clear. I should know, hubby is always here with his parents, and it bloody takes like hours and hours to clear the poor guy.
Sigh, the medical profession has long been thought of as a niche profession. In Malaysia, it is a joke. Which is why I would not encourage my kids to be a doctor, especially in Malaysia. And they were talking about how to attract the Malaysian doctors abroad to come home ... what a joke.
Pet Day in school
And so, we brought our turtle on Tuesday. It was too big to be put into a small toy pail and was in the end, transported to school using a small washing pail.
Ryan proudly brought it to school and showed it off to his school mates. Everyone gathered round an exclaimed at the size of it. It was quite a commotion seeing the poor turtle who was a little traumatized.
On the day we brought our pet, there was also puppy, hamsters and a parrot. On thursday, there were many small aquariums, a cat and a rabbit. These too cause excitement for the little ones.
I think the school is great in doing this, it helps the children to cultivate a sense of caring for their animals as well as some exposure given.
Hmm ... I do not remember having a Pet Day in school when I was in kindie. Perhaps if there was, I would have brought a frog there, just to scare everyone else ... hehe.