Saturday, March 29, 2008

My apologies

If there ever was an award for the most horrible mum, I am sure I would have earned it.
I mean, I love Ryan very very much, he is my life and motivation. However, there are times when I really feel like smacking him really hard.

This morning I took him out to 1-Utama and then we had a look around and also to see if there was a great deal in FCUK. Turns out, there was not much that was exciting. I am not sure if it was because Ryan was constantly running around or because it was really not very exciting.

By the end of 3 hours, I was ready to smack him, really. Even in the car, whenever he starts to moan and whine, I will be screaming at him to keep quiet.

His reply "Why you talk so loudly??" Then I do not know whether to laugh or to continue to be angry.

What ever it is, I know sometimes I can lose my cool and be all agitated and annoyed. But after the day ends, or when he is asleep (like now), I will feel really sorry for losing my temper.

So, here is to Ryan - mummy is sorry mummy lost her cool. Will try to be a better mum when you wake up ok?

Sigh ... life as a mum is real hard.

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