Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My last week

Time really flew by.
This is my last week in my current company.
Next Tuesday, I will be starting at a new company with new colleagues, new boss and new work environment.
I have been looking forward to this for quite some time now and I am still feeling excited about it.

As I approach this new event, I reflect upon my previous jobs. My first job lasted me for 6 years. People in that company were starting to call me an antique cause I am like one of those faces who always seem to be around! However, I truly enjoyed my work there and am forever grateful to the people whom I have worked with - for the good times, and the bad ones of course. I have also met many kind souls who have shaped my working life and some have transformed into good friends. We still meet occasionally and it brings a lot of joy to me.

My second job only lasted 5 months, so let's not talk about that one!

My third job is in my current company. I lasted 2 years and 4 months. It's a great place to work, plenty of nice people and enjoyable work space. My decision to leave has been a difficult one. I will miss all those nice people I know and all the happy faces I meet everyday. However, when it is time to move, one have to move.

So, here's to a wish for a positive work experience for me as I move into a new year with a new job.
Have a blast!!

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